Support for Doctoral Candidates in Statistics and Research!
We offer Supplemental Instruction/homework support in statistics, research methods, and psychological testing courses. WE DO NOT DO THE WORK FOR YOU. WE CAN HELP WITH SPSS. CALL FOR A QUOTE.
(Technical Assistance Package)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Program Completion Package One. This is a data collection and cleaning package. CALL FOR A QUOTE.
(Scholarship Assistance Package)
A turnkey service to help you with the scientific writing parts of your dissertation. Our focus is on the APA-Style Manual. Discounts and extended payment plans are available.
(Scholarship Assistance & Technical Package)
A turnkey service to help you with the data collection and scientific writing parts of your dissertation. This product combines packages 100 and 200. Discounts and extended payment plans are available.
Ph.D. Candidate Support
Request a free, no-obligation, and detailed proposal today!
Developing a Success Construct with Regression
Example of how we helped a Division of Student Affairs improve on the recruitment admissions process. Improvement in retention and graduation rates begin at the front door--recruiting and admitting.
Output from a client's CRM system
The institutional support staff did not have to become data experts. The CRM system and the company supporting it worked for the support staff.
Net Promoter® Score (NPS)
A Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, evaluates the customer experience. A small business, a graduate program, or an alumni office could all benefit from the NPS® process. We have worked with graduate programs, alumni offices, non-profits, and many other entities to evaluate the customer experience.
High-Impact Educational Practices
High-Impact Educational Practices have been widely tested and have been shown to be beneficial for college students from many backgrounds. We offer workshops on how to integrate HIPs into a college curriculum.
A Day without clean data
We have a philosophy at PROBE Consulting Company, LLC--Only use Clean Data!