The foundation of our data services is the Scientific Method. We engage in a careful and diligent search using the six steps of the Scientific Method. Do you have hypotheses that need testing? Tell us about it!
Focus on the end at the beginning. The quality of any answer is directly related to the quality of the question. PROBE Consulting has helped our Strategic Partners to ask quality questions and get quality answers since 1988.
A Multi-trait/Multi-method (MTMM) Matrix is an approach to examining Construct Validity developed in 1959 by Campbell and Fiske. This approach delineates the factors contributing to reliable and valid Success Constructs.
SWOT Analysis
Market Research
NetPromoter Score
Hypothesis Development
Program/Project Evaluation
Proposal Review & Evaluation
Data Analysis and Reporting
Develop paper-and-pencil surveys
Host web-based survey deployments
Develop/Critique web-based surveys
IBL-ALN Curriculum Building w/ SPSS
Data Conundrum? Check out the Show!
Sanaa in Swahili means "work of art; shining light." We are survey artists who believe in bringing light to data darkness through scientific research. Every survey we develop is a psychometric sculpture—a monument to validity, reliability, and focused evidence creation.
Do you have a survey question?
From idea clarification to committee proposal to the dissertation defense, PROBE Consulting can help you accelerate the process. If you want a degree completion proposal, click "apply for service" below. For more details about our offer, visit our Documents Room to learn about Dissertation Completion Service and Statistics and Research Course Support.